Experience Design Chart

Chart from Randsinrepose.com

Chart from Randsinrepose.com

Anna Monus posted a great article on Experience Design and how it is rapidly changing the game.  It is interesting that you can apply this content to the digital world as well as the real everyday life experiences.  It is a good read check it out: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/web-design-to-experience-design/

Adobe's 5 categories of Experiential Design

experiential design
  • Exhibition Design: A hybrid of storytelling and environment. Often found in museums and art galleries.
  • Environmental Graphics: Messages, information or imagery that’s attune to the environment it’s displayed in.
  • Entertainment: Concerts and events rule this category. These experiences scale from small to very big.
  • Marketing: Sensory experiences like Times Square in NYC. Guerilla marketing, and product experiences and launches.
  • Placemaking: Public installations and landmarks which define the space around us.